Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Most Variable thing

The most variable thing to me is my bicycle, because this is my hobbies if i have no class like saturday and sunday, i used this to exercise my body's strength and this is enjoy to me, to go to other place like calinan district, or go to long distance. I have 2 bicycles the "road" and the "mountain bike" this 2 is different to each other, because the road is a racing bike or having a small type of tire, and the mountain bike is called "trail bike" this is a bike used to run to the raproads or used to downhill. I used this to enjoy my self, not forever, because i have more hobbies namanm ehh. like basketball, play a games with computer, playing guitar. i have a group and me is the rhythm of my group, and someday sisikat kami, hehehe.etc. every sunday me and my friends and nieghbors race a bicycle in the field of sun city, and this my varible event hobbies to me.

The 2nd most variable thing to me is my studies, because this is my future to rich my dream to became a computer programmer someday, also i have a most of all variable thing, my family and God.